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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

You Need A Vacation

You Need A Vacation!

I really doubt that I need to convince anyone why they would need to go on a vacation. A vacation is something everyone wants, right? Well…not everyone. I have been wanting to go on a vacation for years now, and my husband just didn’t feel like he “needed” to go on one. It wasn’t something he grew up with, and in reality, he just didn’t know what he was missing out on! Fast forward five years, I’m now pregnant, and I need (yes, need!) that vacation before our first baby comes this Fall!

Needless to say, we finally went on our lovely vacation and my husband finally understands what the big hype with vacations is all about!  :)

What’s Stopping You?

I think sometimes we just get so busy with the day to day activities in life that we kind of forget to have some fun along the way.

In addition to time constraints, money can definitely prevent you from going on that dream vacation. Maybe you don’t get to go to that private Island that would cost you $15,000 – but you can go on a week long cruise to different Islands for $1,500. Personally, I think it’s better to go do something than to maybe never go at all (or go once in a lifetime).

Make a plan, save up your money, and make it happen!

Reasons To Go On A Vacation

Vacations can help you relax, have fun, and enjoy life. A lot of adults suffer from stress-related diseases. Vacations are a fun way to reduce stress and improve your health!

Vacations can help you find new and fun ways to exercise! My husband and I went on a cruise and found plenty of opportunities to exercise. In addition to the gym on the boat, we took the stairs whenever we could (there were a lot of stairs!), and while we were on the Islands we did plenty of walking or swimming. We were definitely able to get plenty of exercise each day, without ever feeling like we were “exercising” because we were just having so much fun!

In case I still need to convince you to go on a vacation, I’ll share a pictures of my vacation to help convince you to make vacations a part of your life! In my opinion, vacations are a necessity…for your health! :)

Grand Turk Island

First stop, Grand Turk! We had a blast swimming for hours in this beautiful water. When we were done swimming, we enjoyed walking on the beach and taking a million pictures. Actually, we took over 400 pictures of this beautiful Island and after we left, we realized that none of the pictures turned out. The shutter apparently died and all I could salvage was this picture from my husband’s iPhone. Actually, all of the pictures I am posting on here came from his phone! (Update: 04/28/2012 – My camera is finally working again!!!)

San Juan, Puerto Rico

We had so much fun exploring San Juan, Puerto Rico! We did a lot of walking (no cabs for us!) here, and had fun sightseeing along the way. Here’s a picture of the Castillo San Felipe del Morro.

Don’t even try looking for the yellow brick road, because you won’t find here! In San Juan, the streets are a pretty blue!

St. Thomas

By the time we came to St. Thomas, we were ready to jump in the water again! Here’s a picture of where we went snorkeling!

We were able to see a ship wreck, lots of sea creatures, fish, and a sea turtle!

After our excursion, we took a bunch of pictures of the local Iguanas! The Iguanas were pretty big, even though the picture isn’t too convincing. Trust me, these guys were huge!

Oh, do I need to remind you about how beautiful the water is in St. Thomas? I seriously just took a picture of the water when we were in the boat waiting to go snorkeling.


Oh, the Bahamas! It was the highlight of our trip…mainly just because it’s something my husband and I have been wanting to do ever since we got married (we wanted to go for our honeymoon, but it just didn’t work out for us to go at the time).

I’m originally from Vegas, so palm trees aren’t that big of a deal to me. In the Bahamas though, I couldn’t get enough of these palm trees for whatever reason!

My feet are very, very happy in this picture. The sand was so fine and soft! It was very relaxing to just walk around on the beach. I loved it!

I had to have a picture of me…in paradise. Not my best picture, but I don’t care. I’m in the Bahamas, remember?! ;)

The sun can do some amazing things for you, including providing a natural source of vitamin D! Unfortunately, I had a little too much sun in the Bahamas (I couldn’t help it! Plus, I had an allergic reaction to my sunblock… not gonna go there). Thankfully, I brought aloe vera with me and was able to quickly take care of my skin.

Vacations can make for an amazing “baby bump” picture! I took my first official pregnancy picture on the Beach…in the Bahamas… when I was 3 months pregnant.

Even though I totally wasn’t showing yet, I like to think of this moment as: Priceless! ;)

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

What other time are you going to get to hold a cute baby alligator with a bright green tourist sticker? I would have held the alligator too (I was actually really looking forward to it!), but I wasn’t feeling too good with the heat, humidity, and pregnancy hormones, so I was inside an air conditioned building and totally missed out on this opportunity! :(

At least my hubby was able to get a picture. He looks so cute here ;)

OK, one more beautiful picture of the Bahamas…

Convinced? You are welcome. Now it’s your turn to go on a vacation! Let me know where you are going, or where you have recently been!

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