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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Trick-or-Healthy Treat!

Even when I was a kid, I was all for healthy Halloween treats. I must admit that I never quite appreciated the houses that gave away toothbrushes. It was usually a dentist trying to profit from the holiday, with their logo and contact information on the toothbrush (Dentists- you’re welcome for the marketing tip)!

Looking for some yummy and healthy treats you can give away on Halloween night? Look no further!

Here’s five healthy trick-or-treat ideas for the spooky holiday:

1) Dried fruit

Example: Clif Kid Twisted Fruit

– This is a a tasty treat that comes in a variety of flavors, among my favorite are Strawberry and Sour Apple. Kids will love them, and parents will love them even more when they find out that there is no processed sugars.

Worried about having a gluten intolerance? No worries…this is also a gluten free treat.

2) Nutritious Bar snacks


– I absolutely love all of these bars! They taste great and have very limited ingredients. Another perk? These are healthy bars that are actually “healthy”. Go figure…

3) Individual Nut packets

Example: Planter’s Nuts on the Go

-You’re trick-or-treaters will go nuts for these (cheesy joke, sorry)! They are loaded with lots of protein from the nuts, and are in small enough packages that you won’t over do it on the calories.

4) Crackers

Example: Annie’s Homegrown Real Cheddar Bunnies.

-These delicious snacks don’t have any artificial flavors or hydrogenated oils. They are orange…perfect for the holiday, right?

5) Natural  Gum

Example: Xylitol Gum by Epic™

-This is a rare and special find! I dare you to look at all other gum on the market and try to find something without any  Sugar, Cane Juice, Aspartame or any other artificial sweeteners.The Xylitol Gum by Epic™ has no sugar or artificial sweeteners!

Also, this gum comes in lots of different flavors, and each of them tastes great!

These healthy treats are a win-win:  Your trick-or-treaters will love these healthy treats, which will be a nice change from all of the junk food they will be getting. Another win? You won’t mind if you end up with leftover treats!

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