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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Love your Heart

The heart symbolizes Valentine’s Day, and it’s no surprise that February is Heart Health Month. This year, learn how you can love your heart by taking care of it!

Heart Facts

• Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and the #1 killer of women. It’s also one of the most preventable health concerns.

•Cocaine affects the heart’s electrical activity and causes spasm of the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke, even in healthy people.

•Three years after a person quits smoking, their chance of having a heart attack is the same as someone who has never smoked before.

•People that suffer from gum disease are twice as likely to have a stroke or heart attack.

If you need coronary artery bypass surgery, trust the doctors with the most experience.

How to take care of your Heart

Heart disease is a serious health concern. Every 25 seconds, an American will have a (negative) coronary event. It’s a very common problem, yet very preventable.

Now that you know that this major health concern is in your control, what are you going to do about it?

Here’s some tips that can help you – and your heart – become healthier.

Exercise – Regular physical exercise has been proven to positively effect the body, including one’s heart. If you want to have a healthier heart, exercise is a great way to use your hardest working muscle. When the heart is healthy and strong, it has a positive impact on the rest of your body.

Healthy Foods – Nutrition plays a big role in helping your heart become healthy. To help with nutrition that targets heart health, enjoy foods like Wild Salmon, tomatoes, avocados, squash, and carrots.

Avoid Tobacco – Whether your smoking or chewing it, tobacco is very dangerous for your heart and overall health. If you currently smoke, successfully quitting would be one of the healthiest things you could do for your overall health.

Avoid Stress – I know first hand how trying to avoid stress is easier said than done. I also know first hand how stress can negatively effect you, and it’s important that you do everything you can do minimize the stress in your life, and learn how to manage the stress you can’t quite get rid of.

Sleep – It’s important to get enough rest, which helps your body recover from everything it has to accomplish during the day. Getting enough sleep would be something that could help you manage your stress effectively. A lack of sleep never helped anyone.


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  1. The most important aspect of cholesterol is HDL (the good cholesterol) Niacin can raise the good (HDL) cholesterol as long as it’s the type that makes your face flush—. fishoil, decreases inflammation which is the major source of cholesterol build up—you can have total cholesterol of 400 and never have heart disease, you can have total of 150, and have a heart attack in your 40’s (Jim Fix) Whatever you do, do not take Statin medication– useless and detrimental. Excercise increases HDL. Did you know there is no medication that raises HDL? only you can with excercise, fishoil, niacin, baby asprin…. Hope this is the type of stuff I can share here???

  2. Exercise is SO important. It’s seriously a “cure all” for so many things, including cholesterol levels. THANK YOU for sharing your valuable insight, and yes – this is the type of comments I am looking for! : )

  3. I thinkk I’ve found my site. I’ve been dismissed and disparaged on Weight Watchers, and Fitness Pal for saying things like this. Man! people don’t realise how duped we all are. Yes, EXCERSISE! and the main reason excercise does work is because it Alkalizes the body– alkalizing is decreasing inflamation. the whole of degenerative disease is inflammation– cancer, heart disease, arthritis, fibromyalgia… you name it, inflammation is the cause, Acidity the issue. I’m open to hear other opinions on this, I came to this site to hopefully build on my health practices…

  4. I am all about all natural ways to heal the body, and I understand exactly what you are talking about. Sugar…PROCESSED SUGAR, thats is…is also a problem when it comes to increasing acidity in the body. Cancer thrives in this type of environment, and I believe good nutrition in addition to exercise can be huge in the prevention of cancer, among many other diseases! Hmm…this sounds like a great article idea :)
    Please continue to visit and comment! Also, if you know of others who would benefit from this site, tell them to join the site and contribute as well!
    Thank you Mory! :)
