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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Healthy Easter Basket Ideas

Since Easter is approaching, I started to come up with some healthy and fun ideas to put into an Easter basket.

Traditionally, people like to include a lot of candy in their Easter baskets. Some of the most common treats for an Easter basket is Marshmallow PEEPS®, Cadbury Cream Eggs®, Robin’s Eggs, and Jelly Beans. These may taste great, but they are full of sugar and extremely bad for your health.

Since I didn’t want an Easter basket full of junk food, I decided to come up with some healthy ideas for those looking for new Easter basket traditions.

Ideas for an Easter Basket

• Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies or Bunny Grahams.

• Bubbles

• Trail mix

• Easter themed coloring book and crayons

• Natural nail polish – bright colors!

• Tonka plush Easter Basket

• Earthbound Farm® Mini Peeled Carrots

• Sidewalk Chalk

• Coloring kit for hard boiled eggs

• Carrot Cake flavored LÄRABAR®

• Jump rope

• Dried fruit

• Easter themed stickers

• Seed packets for favorite fruit or vegetable.

If you have any additional ideas, please feel free to add your ideas in the comments!

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  1. Great suggestions! I’m always looking for ideas for my niece and nephew — things that won’t make them go into a sugar coma. As delicious are M&Ms and Peeps are (and really, they are quite delicious…lol), I love the idea of sidewalk chalk, a jump rope and bubble liquid. They also have the added benefit of getting them away from the TV and moving outside. Thanks!

  2. I agree, it’s great to encourage kids (and adults!) to move and have some fun!

  3. my hubby is a little spoiled and expecting chocolate

  4. When I was first married, I bought my husband and me a lot of candy (back in my not-so-healthy days), and each year I just started buying less and less candy. It doesn’t happen over night! Maybe buy less chocolate for your husband this year, rather than none at all. Of course, there are plenty of healthy treats that are still really tasty (like the LARABAR) that won’t make your husband feel deprived!

    Good Luck with everything Beveanne! : )

  5. might take you a while to respond but wanted to ask you if i did good thing i got slimfast bars and took out of box and filled them into about 600 percent his easter basket..are slim fast and atkins better for him or hype?

  6. Hi Beaveanne,
    I suggest checking out the labels of each of those bars! I used to drink slim fast shakes, and then one day I read the back of the label. The first ingredient (in the can of powder mixes) was SUGAR! My impression with slim fast is that it is mostly (processed) sugar mixed in with some multi vitamins, which doesn’t make it healthy : ( I am not familiar with Atkin bar’s ingredients, so I suggest looking at the label and see what’s inside!

    Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions :)


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