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Health Benefits of Magnesium


In order to remain youthful, healthy, and energetic, you should really try to know the facts about magnesium. This incredible information can even save your life! If you fail to get the required quantities of magnesium, your aging process will start to accelerate. The interesting thing here is that the signs of magnesium deficiency are almost identical to those which are seen in your old age which include clogged arteries, increased heart attack risk, predisposition to diabetes, osteoporosis, insulin resistance and irregular heart rate.

The facts about magnesium reveal that you are not receiving enough magnesium! In fact, almost seventy five percent of individuals in the United States & other western countries consume much less magnesium than required. Specially, the older, are at much greater risk of magnesium deficiency with every 2 in 3 consuming less than seventy five percent of magnesium.

Health Benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium protects the human cells against aging in multiple ways. It also protect us from diabetes, heart diseases, low blood pressure, kidney stones, etc. Magnesium also improves the signs of chronic fatigue syndrome. It strengthens your muscles and works with calcium in order to ensure strong bones and gives protection against osteoporosis.

Because they are unaware of the magnesium facts, a lot of folks don’t know that calcium along with magnesium should be really consumed together. For instance, an elder person who is consuming calcium but not magnesium, will be at a much greater risk of heart attacks, blood clots, as well as stroke. The major rule of thumb is that magnesium should be consumed half the amount of calcium. So if someone is consuming 100 mg of calcium on a regular basis, he/she needs to take 50 mg of magnesium daily too. Although, the sources of magnesium are readily available, those with calcium in forms which human body finds easy to convert, are not. Hence, in order to cover up the nutritional gaps, dual supplementation is strongly suggested.

Magnesium is a strong antioxidant which keeps cell membranes flexible and secures them against the onslaught of cancer-inducing free radicals. If you’ve been deficient in magnesium for quite some time, there is a chance you are deficient in vitamin E too. This is due to the fact that the supplies of vitamin E might have exhausted fighting against the harmful free radicals which were encouraged by the shortage of magnesium.

Magnesium helps to regulate the quantities of calcium which is needed to keep your heart rate steady. Also magnesium aids in the prevention as well as reversal of diabetes in adults. Despite of such benefits, there are certain things which are necessary for you to keep in mind. If you take more than 500 mg if magnesium every day, you can suffer from diarrhea. Also people with a family history of kidney or heart problems, or those who have experienced heart failure should first of all consult with their doctor before consuming magnesium supplements.

Natural Sources for Magnesium

The sources of magnesium are available readily. Some major sources of magnesium include legumes, whole grains, seeds and nuts. If you are required to supplement, magnesium oxide is not suggested because it often makes individuals feel unwell.

Alongside zinc, chromium, selenium, magnesium too has been called as a miracle mineral. The good thing is, it is a miracle which is affordable and readily available.

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