Health Benefits of Agave Nectar
Agave Nectar is a wonderful Sugar Replacement!
Agave Nectar
Blue Agave Nectar is the most common species of Agave plants. If you buy Agave Nectar, chances are they are from the Blue Agave plants.
The two most common types of Agave nectar is either “Light”, “Amber”, or “Dark”.
The Light Agave Nectar has less heating and a more thorough filtration process, which makes a more mild and neutral flavored product. The Dark Agave Nectar is filtered less, and what’s left in the syrup allows for it to have a stronger taste to it, comparable to maple syrup.
The Darker the Agave Nectar, the less processed it is said to be. For me personally, I would rather have a product in its most raw and natural form.
Health Benefits
Agave Nectar has a low glycemic index. This allows for sweetness without the side effects of Sugar, such as an unhealthy blood sugar spike more commonly known as a “Sugar Rush”. This makes for Agave Nectar to be a much healthier alternative to processed sugars and artificial sweeteners, and can be used for those who are diabetic, or just trying to be healthier.
Organic Agave Nectar 27
Fructose (fruit sugar) 32
Lactose (milk sugar) 65
Honey 83
High fructose corn syrup 89
Sucrose (sugar) 92
Glucose 137
Glucose tablets 146
Maltodextrin 150
Maltose 150
Agave plants have Saponins, which has anti-inflammatory, immune system-boosting properties, even anti-microbial capability. Agave plants also have Fructans in it, which is believed to help lower cholesterol. Agave plants also have Inulin, which is a carbohydrate that many scientists believe helps with weight loss.
Agave Nectar has also been proven to help with intestinal bacteria. Modern technology has confirmed that when using salt with Agave Nectar, it increases the anti-microbial property of the plant, which was originally used by the Aztecs for dressing wounds and using as a balm for skin infections.
So as you are trying to be healthier, find ways to add Agave Nectar in to your day-to-day diet. You will reap the many health benefits, and it will be a much better substitute for sugar or artificial sweeteners.
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