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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Twinkie’s Challenge: Obtain Vitamins and Minerals Naturally

Posted by on Jan 2, 2012 in Twinkie's Challenge | Comments Off on Twinkie’s Challenge: Obtain Vitamins and Minerals Naturally

Many of us take vitamin and mineral pills to ensure optimal health, but what if you could obtain those essential vitamins and minerals naturally, by the foods you eat? Throughout the year, I am going to write a dedicated article each month about how you can obtain essential vitamin and minerals – naturally. I’ll even discuss why the vitamins and minerals are so important to your overall health. As the year goes on, I will link the articles from here: Vitamins • Vitamin A • B Vitamins • Vitamin C • Vitamin D • Vitamin E • Vitamin K Minerals • Calcium • Chromium • Magnesium • Phosphorus • Potassium • Sulfur Feel free to follow us, however you...

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Twinkie’s Challenge: Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Posted by on Oct 1, 2011 in Holiday, Twinkie's Challenge | Comments Off on Twinkie’s Challenge: Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Every holiday season we are bombarded with loads and loads of extra calories that are nothing more than sugar, fat, and simple carbohydrates that help us gain more weight than we’d care to admit. We first get slapped with Halloween, which most people are sugar loaded before October 31st even comes. A short couple of weeks later, we get to enjoy Thanksgiving which is a day we consume a single meal that has more calories than what we normally consume in an entire week, not to mention the pies and other treats for dessert. One month later we get to enjoy Christmas, which is full of holiday traditions that are full of sugary hot cocoa, stocking stuffers, and making a whole house made out of candy (and buy extra candy so we can eat as we build)! It’s no...

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Twinkie’s Challenge: Exercise Regularly

Posted by on Jul 2, 2011 in Fitness, Twinkie's Challenge | Comments Off on Twinkie’s Challenge: Exercise Regularly

We’ve all been told that we are supposed to exercise on a regular basis, since it’s healthy for us. But why should you and I exercise on a regular basis? Is the effort worth the sacrifice? I am challenging each of you to make exercise a part of your life, and I suggest you check out some of the benefits that are associated with regular exercise. Define “Regular Exercise” In order to benefit from regular exercise, you need to start somewhere. What’s considered “regular exercise”? In general, adults need to exercise for about three to five times a week, for 20 – 40 minutes. Health Benefits of Regular Exercise There are plenty of reasons why you should take on this challenge of making exercise a part of your life. I will list some of the top benefits of exercise,...

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Twinkie’s Challenge: Eat Fruits & Vegetables that are in Season

Posted by on Apr 2, 2011 in Twinkie's Challenge | 2 comments

It’s time you start benefiting from fresh fruits and vegetables that are in Season! Not only will you enjoy a more delicious and fresh flavor from your produce, but you will also be able to save money when you buy fruits and vegetables that are in Season. This list I have provided shows which fruits and vegetables are in Season throughout the year. It will depend upon where you live, but this list is general enough to give you an idea of when produce is typically available. Spring (March – May) Broccoli Lettuce Mangoes Pineapple Artichoke Asparagus Rhubarb Peas Zucchini Apricot Cherries Summer (June – August) Watermelon Raspberries Blueberries Strawberries Beets Cantaloupe Corn Cherries Lettuce Peaches Apricots Cucumbers Figs Limes Green Beans Kiwi Summer Squash Tomato Eggplant Plums Fall (September – November) Pomegranate Apples Cranberries Grapes Coconut Lettuce Persimmon Beets Eggplants...

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Twinkie’s Challenge: Accomplish your New Year’s Resolutions

Posted by on Jan 3, 2011 in Health, Holiday, Twinkie's Challenge | Comments Off on Twinkie’s Challenge: Accomplish your New Year’s Resolutions

On average, New Year’s Resolutions just don’t seem to last past February. This is the year to finally change all of that. This is the year to put the odds in your favor and finally accomplish your goals. Focus on a select few List all of the goals you would like to accomplish this year. Now just pick two or three goals that are the most important to you. If you choose too many goals to accomplish, you can get too overwhelmed which can hurt your chances of getting anything done. Be realistic with your goals. If you are 5′ 11″, you probably shouldn’t have your goal to be a “size 00”.  Not only would an impossible goal be discouraging to anyone, this type of a goal would be extremely unhealthy for you. Your goals should better your life rather...

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Twinkie’s Challenge: No Sugar or Artifical Sweeteners!

Posted by on Oct 4, 2010 in Nutrition, Twinkie's Challenge, Weight Loss | 5 comments

This quarter, I challenge you to avoid processed Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners! (You can still have natural sugars found in Fruit, Vegetables, Agave Nectar, Raw Honey, etc). So why would I give you (and myself!) this Challenge? The Harmful Effects of Sugar Processed Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners are really bad for you. But how bad can it be? •Raises insulin levels in the body, which promotes the storage of fats. By storing excess fats, it causes your body to gain weight, and Sugar has been linked to causing Obesity. •Depresses the Immune System. If your body is trying to fight an illness, Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners are only going to make things worse for you by preventing your body to fight back whatever illness it is trying to get rid of. If you want to lower your risk of...

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Twinkie’s Challenge: Say “No Way!” to Fried foods

Posted by on Jan 4, 2010 in Nutrition, Twinkie's Challenge, Weight Loss | 3 comments

If you can do one thing for your health..stop eating fried foods. What is considered  “Fried foods”? Anything cooked in a lot of grease or oil, at very high temperatures. Fried foods are things like french fries, most potato chips, onion rings, doughnuts, and in most cases, anything with the word “fried” in the title (though many products can be sneaky with their names!). Why try to give up Fried foods? Fried foods have little to no nutritional value, and if you have learned anything from my posts, your body needs good-for-you-fuel to survive and function properly. Those fried onion rings? Not helping you in any way. Fried foods are drenched in unhealthy oils-most commonly used are Canola, Vegetable, or Peanut oil-that are not good for your body. These oils become even more harmful for you when they are...

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