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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

Twinkie’s Typical Meal Plan

Posted by on Nov 8, 2010 in Twinkie, Weight Loss | 1 comment

A lot of people wonder what I eat every day, how I structure it, and how they too can implement my eating habits to help them lose weight. It’s taken me years to figure out a system that has worked for me, and hopefully my meal plan can help you too. Here’s a simple outline on how I eat every day… 7:30AM – Breakfast •Ionix Supreme by Isagenix® •IsaLean Shake (Vanilla) by Isagenix® -With my shake, I will include IsaPro (whey protein), Greens!, and FiberPro by Isagenix®) 10:00 AM – Snack •Fruit -I will try to pick out a different fruit every week. One week I may have an apple, while another week I will have grapes, watermelon or strawberries. 12:00PM – Lunch •Sandwich -I always use Ezekiel bread, and I either make an almond butter and honey sandwich,...

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Veggie Slices by Galaxy Nutritional Foods

Posted by on Oct 21, 2010 in Gluten Free, Lactose Free, Twinkie's Favorites | 1 comment

Healthy and Tasty Alternative I was looking for a healthy alternative to Cheddar Cheese slices, and I came across the Cheddar flavored Veggie Slices by Galaxy Nutritional Foods. I have tried them cold in deli sandwiches and warm in grilled cheese sandwiches and even on top of eggs. Every time I use these Veggie slices, nobody can tell the difference between them and real cheddar cheese slices! More good news… •Only 40 calories per slice (compared to 60-80 calories per slice) •No Cholesterol •Lactose Free •Gluten Free •Comes in a variety of flavors: Cheddar, Pepper Jack, American, Swiss, Smoked Provolone, and Cheddar with Jalapeños. Wow! These Veggie Slices are delicious and a lot healthier for you than regular cheese! Feel free to follow us, however you...

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Twinkie’s Challenge: No Sugar or Artifical Sweeteners!

Posted by on Oct 4, 2010 in Nutrition, Twinkie's Challenge, Weight Loss | 5 comments

This quarter, I challenge you to avoid processed Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners! (You can still have natural sugars found in Fruit, Vegetables, Agave Nectar, Raw Honey, etc). So why would I give you (and myself!) this Challenge? The Harmful Effects of Sugar Processed Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners are really bad for you. But how bad can it be? •Raises insulin levels in the body, which promotes the storage of fats. By storing excess fats, it causes your body to gain weight, and Sugar has been linked to causing Obesity. •Depresses the Immune System. If your body is trying to fight an illness, Sugar and Artificial Sweeteners are only going to make things worse for you by preventing your body to fight back whatever illness it is trying to get rid of. If you want to lower your risk of...

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Nuts about Berries: Large vs. Half size

Posted by on Sep 9, 2010 in Nutrition, Twinkie's Favorites | Comments Off on Nuts about Berries: Large vs. Half size

Anyone who is lucky enough to live in an area with a Cafe Zupas, knows that an all time favorite specialty salad is Nuts about Berries. As much as I love food for its taste…what about the nutrition and calories involved? I can only estimate, but I wanted to give an approximate calculation on what the calories were in the Large and Half sized salad. I have picked this salad apart with the ingredients involved, and I give you some pretty good estimates on how many calories are in this salad – the Half and Large size. Nuts about Berries: Half Size 4 cups Romaine Lettuce  = 32 calories 1/2 cup Mixed Berries = 50 calories 1 scoop Cinnamon Honey Almonds = 38 calories 1/4 cup Poppyseed Dressing = 254 calories Total Calories: 374 calories ———————————————————————————————————————————- Nuts about Berries:...

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How to: Join Skinny Twinkie Community

Posted by on Aug 21, 2010 in Twinkie | 2 comments

UPDATE: March 1, 2012 Google Friend Connect went away Feel free to follow us, however you...

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I want to be Deprived of…

Posted by on Aug 9, 2010 in Skinny Tips & Quotes | 3 comments

A lot of people wonder why I am even trying to be healthier.  People will actually wonder why I am making a conscious effort to change some bad eating habits of mine. Hey, I am not perfect with my eating and exercising habits.  I am not claiming to be perfect, but I DO want to try my hardest to improve my overall Health.  My question to those who question my motives is “Why not?” There really isn’t anything to lose by improving your health, except for maybe a couple of things you just don’t want anyways. “Living a healthy lifestyle will only deprive you of poor health, lethargy, and fat.” -Jill Johnson I want to be deprived of Poor Health, Lethargy, and excess Fat! Feel free to follow us, however you...

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All Natural Yoghurt by Mountain High

Posted by on Jul 19, 2010 in Twinkie's Favorites | 4 comments

Health Benefits There are many benefits to yoghurt, and it is important that you get it from the right source. What I mean by that, is that there are plenty of yoghurts out there being marketed as “healthy” or a “weight loss food”. Be sure that you are not being fooled by marketing campaigns, and actually reading the back of the label for the truth. The yoghurt from Mountain High is  labeled as “All Natural”. That wasn’t what sold me on it. What attracted me to this yoghurt was the ingredients: No sugar added! What a lot of people don’t know is, the added sugars takes away from the health benefits you would have otherwise received from the yoghurt, which is the good bacteria such as live, active, and probiotic cultures (acidophilus is the most commonly known, which is...

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DRX9000 Spinal Decompression

Posted by on Jul 8, 2010 in Health, Twinkie | 1 comment

Here is my personal story and Review on the DRX9000. If you have any sort of back or neck pain, or know someone who does, I promise you that it will be worth your time to continue reading on. How it all happened At 23 years old, I was working 10-12 hour days trying to save up for my “dream home”. When my Husband and I crunched the numbers and looked at what we needed to have for our down payment the following month, stress built up faster than I realized. At this point in time, I wasn’t exercising like I should have, and I didn’t have a way to release the stress I was causing myself by overworking and buying a home that was a little out of reach for us at the time. My body came to...

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Antiplaque Toothpaste by Tom’s of Maine

Posted by on Jun 28, 2010 in Health, Twinkie's Favorites | Comments Off on Antiplaque Toothpaste by Tom’s of Maine

Health Benefits This is a natural and healthy toothpaste that contains Xylitol to prevent plaque, Propolis and Myrrh for a clean and healthy feeling, and is a Fluoride-Free toothpaste. From what I have studied about Fluoride, I have come to find that it is nothing more than a toxic waste that was added to toothpaste with the intent to build bone health, but this is something that has never actually been proven.  Excessive Fluoride has been proven to cause Fluoride Poisoning, also known as “Flurosis”, which can cause Osteoporosis, Bone Spurs, Chronic fatigue, and can even be deadly. I believe you can properly clean your teeth without having to risk your health. Side Note: If you shouldn’t have fluoride for your toddler’s toothpaste, why would you allow it in your own toothpaste? Taste This is flavored with Fennel, which reminds me...

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Sorbet Bar-Organic Blackberry by Julie’s Organic

Posted by on Jun 17, 2010 in Lactose Free, Twinkie's Favorites | 2 comments

This sorbet bar is absolutely amazing, and I have nothing but good to say about this frozen dessert! First of all, it tastes great. And not only does it taste great, but it has great a great texture (almost like a fruit smoothie, but thicker since it is a sorbet bar). I bought this Sorbet Bar for an event, and people were shocked that this was not only Organic, but actually Healthy! For some reason people have this horrible misconception that Healthy Food has to taste bad. This is another reason why I started this Blog. I want to raise awareness to others to let them know about great tasting products that are actually good for you (or at least better than the competitor!). The best part about this treat, is that it is pretty much guilt free. It...

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