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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

The Best Time To Workout?


When is the Best Time of Day to Workout?

One of the most common questions I get asked is, “When is the best time of day to workout?”. Great question…and I have a really simple answer for you. So simple, in fact, that you might not like my answer, but here it goes: The best time of day to workout is…(drum roll, please) whatever time of day that works best for you! This means, whatever time of day that you can workout on a consistent basis to reach your goal and maintain it.

Everyone has their own preferences of when they like to workout, and I suggest exercising when it feels right for you. Don’t try to mess up the routine you already have going on because you were told a certain time of day helps you burn more calories or whatever. Exercise when you can – consistently.

Best Time Of Day To Workout

The best time of day for me to workout is first thing in the morning, usually around 5:00AM before my daughter wakes up and before I have to start work. I am a morning person, and it just feels right for me to workout when I have the most energy! If I wait until after breakfast, it is SO hard for me to workout, since I just want to shower and get ready for the day and move on to the next task. Earlier this year, I felt like the only time I could workout was at night. I tried. I really did! But as much as I wanted to workout, it just wasn’t working out for me. I am not a night person!

My husband is the complete opposite! He is a night owl, and loves to workout at night! Morning workouts are just not an option for him.

But What About The Research?

YES – there are studies that show that you can burn more calories in a 24 hour period if you workout at a certain time of day versus another. However, none of that really matters. Why? Bottom Line: If you want to see results from your workout program,  you just need to workout consistently. That’s it. You don’t need to worry about how you can burn an extra 25 calories by working out in the morning versus at night (ok, slight exaggeration, but you get the idea), you just need to focus on exercising consistently and making your time in the gym count.

Focus on a routine that will help you to exercise on a regular basis and stick to it. You’ll reach your goals before you know it! :)

When do YOU prefer to workout?

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