Feel Young, No Matter What Birthday You are Celebrating
Today is my birthday! It’s also the first time in a long time where I truly feel that “age is just a number”. Why? Well, I have really been focused on my health this past year. I exercise on a regular basis and I eat extremely healthy. The results? I feel younger than I have felt in years!
As a birthday present for myself, I decided to start out my day with a great cardio workout. For breakfast, I had my favorite post-workout shake, and enjoyed the day with my hubby. Happy Birthday to me!
How to Feel Younger
If you want to feel young, you have to be young. What does that really mean? Exercise. The secret to eternal youth is exercise, and I believe that far too many people underestimate the power of regular exercise. Why else would they not exercise?!
The problem with most people is that they exercise for maybe a week or two, don’t see as many results as they would have hoped (it takes time, ok?), and then they end up giving it up saying “Exercise doesn’t work for me.” Of course, these thoughts couldn’t be further from the truth.
Exercise helps your heart, lungs, bones, muscles – everything!-stay strong and healthy. Your body wants you to exercise, and not just once in a while. On a regular basis!
How to Look Years Younger
OK, you might not look like you are in your 20’s when you are in your 80’s, but you can defintely look a lot younger than you actually are if you eat healthy (in addition to exercise). When I say “eat healthy”, I mean you should avoid processed and fried foods and stick to natural and healthy foods such as whole grains and seeds, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables.
I’m sure you’ve heard that you are supposed to eat foods that are high in antioxidants. Do you know what that means? Oxygen is what keeps us alive, but it is also what ages us! Eating foods that are high in antioxidants (anti-oxygen), will help keep you looking and feeling much younger than you actually are. Hey, I told you that eating healthy was worth it.