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Katy Perry Preps for World Tour with Diet and Exercise

So how does one prepare for a World Tour? If you are Katy Perry, who is scheduled for her 95-date “California Dreams” tour, you prepare by starting on a strict diet and exercise routine.

Katy Perry’s Diet

Katy started a diet that consists of eating healthy meals – with the occasional splurge.

“I’m on a meal plan, which absolutely sucks — but on Sundays I get to have a cheat day where I go buck wild and eat In-N-Out Burger”.

Katy Perry’s Exercise

After Katy enjoys her weekly splurge, the 26 year old singer is making sure she doesn’t just stay still after enjoying a burger. Katy definitely keeps herself very busy, stating “I feel like I’m training for the Olympics!”. There’s a reason that weekly splurge isn’t effecting her too much…

“I’ll work out, go to a vocal lesson, run through the entire set at rehearsals, go to dance rehearsal until 10:00 p.m. and then go home and sort through e-mails concerning the production,”  – Katy Perry

Diet and Exercise Health or Weight Loss?

Katy Perry doesn’t seem to be eating healthier or exercising for weight loss – it’s all about getting physically fit and ready for her 9 month long World Tour.  It’s about taking care of your body and overall health, and creating the stamina required to be performing on stage almost every night in front of thousands of fans. Talk about motivation, right?!

Katy Perry’s preparations for her World Tour is a great example of how eating healthy (most of the time) and exercising is important, even if you don’t need to lose weight.

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