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Get rid of Acne – Naturally!

Acne is one of those horrible things that seems to haunt us during our teen years. Finally, here’s some information teens and adults can put to use for clear and healthy skin!

Get rid of Acne

What actually causes acne? This is a great debate, and you can have acne for several reasons. Here are some common causes of Acne, and how you can get rid of it.

Wash your face before you go to bed – This seems like an obvious technique to prevent and get rid of acne, but it must be said! If you want to get rid of acne, you must wash your face before you go to bed, especially if you wear make-up. When you wash your face with your cleanser, rinse your face with warm water (this opens up your pores and gets rid of the make-up and dirt on your face), then splash your face again with cold water. You want to end with cold water since it will tighten your pores and prevent your pores from being exposed to dirt, make-up, and other bacteria – all which would cause breakouts.

•Stop touching your face –  Whether you realize it or not, you are probably touching your face a lot throughout the day. First order of business here is to stop touching your face! Your hands are not as clean as you may think, and when you constantly touch your face to either ease a scratch or move your bangs out of your eyes – all of this causes pimples.

•Workout with shower afterwards – Working out is a great way to get rid of toxins in your body by sweating. This is something that can actually help you get rid of acne. The problem comes when you sweat and don’t shower afterwards. Be sure to take a shower afterwards rather than hitting the sofa for a quick snooze!

•It may be the make up – Not all make up is created equal. Depending on what type of foundation you are using, your acne might just be
from the make-up that you are using. Be sure to look for a foundation that is either “oil-free” or “non comedogenic”. If you are able to, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to go a day or two without any foundation make-up at all. Perfect excuse to stay in on a Saturday and watch chick flicks with the girls. By doing this, you are giving your face a break from your make-up, which can help you clear up your skin.

•Don’t Stress! – I hear that many people link stressful situations with acne. Don’t stress about it, and stop worrying about it. It won’t make your acne go away. Focus on the positive, and imagine yourself with clear skin.  Acne isn’t the end of the world, and there are natural ways to help you get rid of it. That’s why I am writing this post in the first place.

•Drink lots of water – Water is a natural, zero calorie way to cleanse your body. Be sure that you are drinking enough water every day. A habit that is good for you – inside and out!

•It’s your eating habits – This is the most understated cause for acne. A lot of people may feel that your eating habits have nothing to do with your acne, and unfortunately, they are just plain wrong!

“Diet plays a big part in your skin. Your skin is your biggest organ, so if you are polluting your body with bad food, your skin will be the representative of those bad habits” says Sabrina Lytle, Aesthetician and owner of Ambrosia Lashes.

Food has more to do with your acne than you realize. Avoid a diet that will increase the insulin levels in your body. Basically, avoid processed sugars and all grain carbohydrates (which just turn into sugar). Yes, if you want to get rid of your acne, you need to stop eating candy, chocolate, cereals, bread, pasta, corn, rice, and potatoes. Be sure to get carbohydrates through vegetables, since your body needs carbohydrates – now you will just have a healthier version of it. Once you have gotten rid of your acne, you can slowly incorporate those foods back into your diet, but in limited quantities. Always choose the healthier version, if there is one. Choose dark chocolate over milk chocolate, or brown rice over white rice.

Do it Yourself

If you are looking for a quick, easy, and cheap at-home regimine for skin care, Sabrina Lytle says to “Mix salt and lemon juice and do a light skin scrub. Afterward, take RAW honey and put a light layer on your skin and leave on for about 20 minutes. Raw honey has many antioxidants and properties that are very helpful to use on skin that has acne or irritation caused from a sensitivity to products”.

What NOT to do!

•Antibiotics – This may get rid of the acne, but it also gets rid of a lot of healthy bacteria in your body too! Plus, once you stop taking the medication, your acne comes back. Isn’t it just better to get rid of the root cause in the first place?

•Birth Control Pills – Trying to get rid of acne isnt a reason to start taking birth control pills. Birth control pills have synthetic hormones, and the long term side effects aren’t worth the clear skin in the end.

•Salicylic Acid – This is the main ingredient in Aspirin. When did acne become so bad that you needed to take a drug to get rid of it? Yes, acne can get pretty bad, but there are natural, healthy solutions to solving this issue. Taking a drug isn’t one of them.

•Benzoyl Peroxide – Many people are tricked into believing that this is the miracle acne cure. Unfortunately, these “reputable” sources don’t tell you that it will dry out your skin, increase redness and irritation on your face, and won’t actually get rid of the problem. The company wants you to keep buying their product for more than just a one time use.

Good luck with your clear skin endeavors – remember to be patient (try!), and get rid of your acne – naturally! You will be happy you did!

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  1. Studying nutrition myself, I believe proper nutrition has a lot to do with preventing acne. Thank you for the DIY recipe for healthier skin -I’ll have to try it out!

  2. working out has helped clear my skin up

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