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Health Foodie. Wife. Mom.

10 Reasons why you’re STILL overweight…

1) You think “Fat Free” or “Sugar Free” means that it is “Healthy”

Marketing campaigns know that we are all trying to be healthier, and they are doing everything they can to sell you their product in an angle that makes you think their product makes the cut. They aren’t trying to make their products healthier. What does this all boil down to? The companies just want to make money, and the only way to make money is if you buy their product –whether it’s good for you or not.

Read the labels and ingredients and start learning how to understand what they really mean. It’s almost guaranteed that if something it marketed as “Fat Free” or “Sugar Free”, they are using dangerous replacements which usually end up being worse for you than the actual fat or sugar.

Most people still buy into this marketing scam – don’t let it be you.

2) You don’t get enough sleep

Sleep is underrated – by far. You should get the recommended 8 hours each night, and you will notice some very positive effects from this. Your body will feel rested and better through out the day. You will be more likely to exercise (you have the energy to make it happen), and you have a better chance of overcoming any junk food cravings you may have during the day. When you are more tired, you are more likely to “give in” to temptations. A lack of sleep negatively effects your immune system, which can make you sick. When you are sick, the chances of you keeping up (or wanting to) your work out routine is unlikely. You should consider sleep as being mandatory.

3) You like to try new “Diets”

I have already said in previous posts why I don’t like to “Diet”, but I will briefly say it again here. “Diets” tend to be short term! Make your healthy eating habits a Life style change, and you will see lasting results, which is what you want anyways? No one wants to just gain it all back again and again…so don’t! Lose it and keep it off for good.

4) You think having the occasional treat doesn’t really add up

This one almost makes me laugh, but it’s a reality check for most of us. Just one Oreo cookie is about 60 calories.

And let’s be honest…who only has one Oreo cookie? In my not-so-healthy days, I remember easily eating 10 Oreo cookies (or more), which is half of my daily calorie count. What’s worst is that I find myself still craving more cookies, and I am still hungry!

Check the calories. If your little treat is high in calories and you won’t be able to stop at just one, move on. Find something that will satisfy your hunger. A great alternative is finding a Fruit or veggie that you love and won’t resent when it becomes snack time.

5) You think you are “Naturally this Big” or “Big Boned”

That’s what happened to me too. I thought I was naturally a size 10 or 12. According to all the “medical” and “scientific” charts out there that tell you what your healthy weight range is for your age and height, I was supposed to be around 170 pounds. I don’t know who made up that bull, but if I were 170 pounds, I would not be close to healthy unless I was some body builder. As we all know, most of us aren’t body builders, so I consider those little “healthy weight charts” a piece of trash.

Once I started to get my act together and start taking my health more seriously, and listening to my body’s needs, I got down to 130 pounds and fit nicely into my size 2 jeans. Find your true healthy weight.

6) You think Skinny people don’t need to exercise

This one gets me every time. I hate how I will mention that I went to the gym and someone has to make the statement “You’re skinny, you don’t need to go to the gym”. Yes, someone really did say that to me, and No, I did not listen to them!

Just because you are Skinny, doesn’t mean you are privileged and somehow don’t need to exercise. I don’t care what size you are – Skinny or Overweight, you can benefit from exercising on a regular basis, and quite frankly, your body needs it.

For those who think Skinny people don’t need to exercise: How do you think thin people got to be thin in the first place? The answer is that the thin people exercise and eat healthy regularly. I didn’t become a size 2 by accident and neither did they.

7) You are (still!) skipping Breakfast

Ok, so this one I still don’t get. We have all been told how Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, and people are still skipping it! It may be for many reasons. You are “too busy”. Not a good enough excuse people! I wake up at 4:00 AM to go work out, make a healthy breakfast and lunch, work for 8 hours or more, make dinner, clean up, work some more, etc.

We all live a crazy and busy schedule. That’s life, and I get that. But there just isn’t an excuse anymore for skipping breakfast.

Be sure to eat something healthy – anything with processed sugar should be completely avoided.

8) You think you will reach your Goal Weight in 30 days or less

Guess what? You didn’t gain your weight overnight, and you won’t lose it all overnight either! Just because you aren’t seeing huge results your first month, doesn’t mean you should give up and say exercising and eating healthy doesn’t work. Just like you were consistently unhealthy and gained weight, you now need to work on consistently being healthy and exercising.

You will eventually lose the weight, and before you know it, you will be able to fit back into those skinny jeans!

9) You drink Energy Drinks and Sodas that are “0 Calorie” and think it’s a Healthy choice

Zero calories do not mean that the drink is Healthy. Energy Drinks and Sodas with Zero calories are another marketing tool to make these drinks seem “healthier” or “not as bad” for you. Reality is this: Energy Drinks and Sodas have zero nutrition, and there is absolutely nothing good in there for you. Nothing! Doesn’t matter if it has 300 or no calories, it’s just not good for you, regardless of the number of calories it says on the back. Your best bet is to just drink water.

10) You keep saying you are “Fat

The way you feel about yourself plays a huge role in whether or not you will succeed with your weight loss and overall health goals. Ever heard of the popular Movie “The Secret”? Well, the Law of Attraction is real. Your mind is very advanced and sophisticated, and if you keep telling yourself that you are “fat” and “overweight”, then your brain keeps telling you to do things that will keep you in that state of being.

Start thinking “healthy” and “thin”, and your brain will start programming your thoughts and actions to lead you to a lifestyle that will help you become healthier.

It’s not all about wishful thinking, because action is involved. You need to do your part. Bottom line: Believe you will succeed and continue to exercise and eat healthy. Know that you will get there!

Good luck with your Health goals!

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  1. Thanks for posting this! I think I am guilty of almost all of them! I need to be better about eating breakfast, and not getting discouraged when it has been a week, and I havnen’t lost all of the weight! I love your blog!

  2. Thanks for your comments Katie! Please don’t get discouraged about your weight loss goals! Feel free to sign up and stay updated on new posts!

  3. Having realistic goals is a big deal when trying to lose weight!

  4. I think some of the biggest problems people have is that they don’t realize that the foods they are eating are:

    High in calories

    Low in nutrition, so the body sends signals to eat more because it is trying to get the nutrition it needs

    High in sugar, which triggers cravings for more sugar

  5. Oh, yes, and another big one that goes along with nutrition: they aren’t eating enough protein, fiber, and good fats. These are the things that keep you full.

  6. Some of the problems “are,” not “is.” As a writer and editor, I had to fix that. >;)

  7. I think there’s a little bit of mixing of the issues of healthy vs. unhealthy and weight loss in this article, BTW. For example, for some people drinking a can of diet soda is a lifesaver. It gives them that little bit of sugary flavor they need to stave off cravings and successfully lose weight. And it has zero calories.

    For other people, it triggers cravings for more sugar and should therefore be avoided.

    Are diet sodas healthy? Well, no. Water is the best bet, I agree. But drinking diet soda does not necessarily prevent a person from losing weight. In fact, for some people, it actually helps. And, if one is just starting off on the weight-loss journey, baby steps are often essential. Count calories, eliminate calorie-laden drinks. But if you aren’t quite ready to give up diet soda, I personally thing that’s a hurdle a person can leap when the other healthy eating habits they are adopting have become like second nature to them.

  8. @Amber – The point isn’t just to lose weight. It’s to be healthy, which results in losing weight (if you need to). I understand what you are saying in regards to the Diet Soda issue, but the point of this site is to introduce healthy ways to lose weight.

    I appreciate your comments on here!

  9. I was more commenting on the title of the article, which suggests everything in here is about weight loss. If you aren’t losing weight, it likely doesn’t have anything to do with diet soda.

    Plus, for incredibly overweight people, changing everything at once can be hard. So, if diet soda doesn’t trigger cravings for more sugar in a particular person, making other changes first makes more sense to me than trying to eat the elephant, trying to change everything right away. That’s often a recipe for failure.

    But, then, I’m also assuming one diet soda a day. If all you drink is diet soda, that really is a change you should make right away. But, if you need to lose quite a bit of weight, you don’t have to change everything right away in order to do so. You can still have a can of diet soda a day if it helps you commit to the other changes you are making.

  10. Ultimately, though, I would agree: Do away with diet soda. It is loaded with chemicals, and if you drink caffeinated soda, it has that drug, too.

  11. Now that I think about it, though, I can understand where you are coming from. Certainly, it is important to get in a healthy mindset. If you commit to eating–and drinking–healthy, that’s a good step toward losing weight. But, again, for some people baby steps are necessary. And, in addition, some people become very overweight while eating only healthy foods. Portion size is critical.

  12. Baby steps…it’s a start in the right direction, indeed!


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